When it comes to number of accidents, there is little positive news. By comparison, the year 2000 experienced the lowest number of injuries at 27. Again, 1999 was not only the most deadly in the boiler and pressure vessel industry, it also saw the highest number of injuries with 136. In the category of injuries, a total of 720 were recorded between 19 - an average of nearly 72 per year. The lowest number of fatalities over the reporting period, 8, was recorded in 1994. While this may appear to be a positive revelation, it must be considered in the context that 1999 saw the most deaths (21) over the 10-year period. The annual number of deaths has seesawed over the past 10 years (see Figure 1), with the only sustained downward trend - over three years - taking place between 19. On average, that is just less than 13 fatalities per year. 1.1 An enclosed structure containing a nuclear reactor core immersed in pressurized coolant.OVERVIEW Tragically, a total of 127 people have lost their lives as the result of boiler and pressure vessel accidents during the past 10 years.‘Their employer was the John Pickle Company, a manufacturer of oil pipelines and pressure vessels on the desolate western limits of town.’.‘Typical applications include cooking utensils, pressure vessels, and building products (siding, gutters and so on).’.‘Despite the miniature volcano seething inside the pressure vessel, the laboratory is a quiet place for a talk.’.‘At the publication of the standard, Canadian requirements stated there was no national regulation dealing with pressure vessels.’.‘For example, spacecraft, aircraft, and submarines have sealed pressure vessels that operate in hazardous environments.’.‘Although a number of pressure vessels have been described in the literature, which are specifically designed for the use on microscope stages, none is suitable for single molecule detection.’.‘This type of steel is used for submarines, aerospace applications, and pressure vessels, and is normally available as plate.’.‘Brittle failures in tanks, pressure vessels, pipelines, and bridges have been documented as far back as the year 1886.’.
#National board number pressure vessel code#
‘All alterations must comply with the section of code to which the original boiler or pressure vessel was constructed.’.‘In this case, the pressure is applied by means of a hot inert gas in a pressure vessel.’.‘The main pressure vessel of the test rig is 17.5 metres long and weighs 12 tons.’.‘A heavy steel cylinder could have been a pressure vessel considering the circumstances of the wrecking, it was unlikely to be a torpedo!’.‘State investigators said the head blew off a nine-foot pressure vessel after workers had loosened a few of the bolts on the head in preparation for cleaning.’.‘Thus the disc acts as a thick-walled pressure vessel.’.‘The internal dimensions of the cylindrical pressure vessel were 25 mm in diameter and 20 mm in height, with wet filter paper inside the vessel to maintain it at 100% RH.’.‘A pressure vessel inside the toilet tank uses the water supply to compress air.’.